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Acetylene Gas is environmentally safe gas with commercial industrial usages
Acetylene Gas is environmentally safe gas with commercial industrial usages
  • Siddharth Jain

Acetylene is made by passing a mixture of steam and air over calcium carbide. Carbide is a combination of calcium and carbon. The calcium and carbon separate in the heating process leaving the gases we all know as acetylene. It is a colorless, flammable gas used primarily for welding, cutting, and heating.

The principal use of acetylene is in the production of large scale vinyl chloride, which is used to make polyvinyl chloride (pvc). Acetylene also is used as a fuel gas, as a blowing agent for styrene-butadiene rubber (cr=po), and as a whipping agent in foods.

Further the garlic like smelling gas is used as a fuel for automobile and truck engines. It is also used to make chemicals such as acetic acid, methyl vinyl ketone, acetyl-acetone, ethyl acetate and acetaldehyde.

Acetylene is a chemical compound with the formula C2H2. The name derives from its empirical formula CH which indicates that it is composed of two carbon atoms and two hydrogen atoms. If a benzene molecule is compressed into the small space of a syn gas cylinder, then cooled again to room temperature, then the newly condensed liquid is analytically indistinguishable from acetylene, except for possibly containing a few percent of added water, depending on how good the vacuum was kept.

Although it is derived from a nonrenewable resource, acetylene is widely considered to be an environmentally safe gas because it is easily oxidized. This also means that it can be safely handled in a variety of industrial processes with minimal or no protective equipment. Acetylene's versatility makes it especially well-suited to purposes such as welding and metallurgy.

In the past, when large quantities of acetylene were needed for welding rods and welding torches, generators were used to make the gas on site. These days a process called fractional distillation is used to prepare acetylene. Acetylene gas can also be made by an improvement of the Schiemann reaction.

Bhartiya Cryogas is Indias leading commercial oxygen manufacturer, manufacturer of oxygen plants, and oxygen cylinder filling plants have answered 10 questions to learn important facts about Acetylene Gas and acetylene plants, easily recognized due to its peculiar garlic smells.

The reputed company is also leading commercial supplier of Medium Pressure Oxygen/ Nitrogen Gas/ Liquid plants, Low Pressure Oxygen/ Nitrogen Gas/ Liquid plants, Medical PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) Oxygen Plants, VPSA (Vacuum Pressure Swing Adsorption) Oxygen/ Nitrogen Generators, Hi- Tech acetylene plants, Nitrous Oxide Plants, CO2 Plants, Cylinder Filling station etc.

There are several types of pants fabricated and supplied by Bhartiya Cryogas. They are:


1) Medium Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants

2) Low Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants


1) PSA/VPSA Oxygen/Nitrogen Generators


1) Hi-tech Acetylene plants

2) Nitrous Oxide plants

3) CO2 plants

4) Cylinder Filling Station


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Medium Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants
Medium Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants
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Low Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants
Low Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants
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Medical PSA Oxygen Plants
Medical PSA Oxygen Plants
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VPSA Oxygen/Nitrogen Generators
VPSA Oxygen/Nitrogen Generators
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Hi-tech Acetylene plants
Hi-tech Acetylene plants
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Nitrous Oxide plants
Nitrous Oxide plants
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CO2 plants
CO2 plants
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Cylinder Filling Station
Cylinder Filling Station
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