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Air Separation Plants (ASP) Is Best Alternative for Costly Medical Oxygen Imports
Air Separation Plants (ASP) Is Best Alternative for Costly Medical Oxygen Imports
  • Bindu John

Air Separation Plants (ASPs) are used for the bulk production of medical grade 98.5% oxygen and 75% nitrogen, mostly for the aerospace, aviation, and semiconductor industries. ASPs are also used as an alternative to costly medical oxygen imports in countries where there is a temporary shortage of liquid oxygen.


As an alternative to costly medical oxygen imports, ASPs are installed at the point of use and will reduce the dependence on liquid oxygen import sources. Historical demand for AAS systems has been primarily fueled by economic growth in emerging markets, particularly the Middle East and Asia-Pacific regions where the need for operational stability and optimal patient outcomes drive investment in these complex technologies.


Air separation plants allow you to use air as the carrier gas in Cryogenic oxygen plants, displace the burden of liquid oxygen imports and costly liquid nitrogen refueling. As a result, ASPs make a compelling business case for outsourcing oxygen supply at remote locations where local demand for medical grade oxygen is increasing due to advances in telemedicine.


In manufacturing air separation plants there are two main technologies involved: membrane-based air separation plants (MSAP) and cryogenic air separation plants (CASP). The amount of oxygen generated is determined by the amount of air compressed, the pressure differential between the inlet and outlet to the membrane or filter and the purity of the oxygen required.


The global market for Air Separation Plants (ASPs) is currently experiencing steady growth. Newer models that take advantage of the lower operating costs, improved efficiency, and smaller footprint have fueled this growth. Worldwide demand for many aspects of the In-Plant Air and Gas Mitigation (IAG) market, including Air Separation Plants (ASPs), is expected to increase due to the global Covid epidemic outbreak. Emergence of new Cornona Variant Omicorn has further fuelled the demand.


Air separation plants (ASPs) can be complex systems, so when it comes to buying or upgrading, there's no substitute for expertise. India’s top Oxygen plants manufacturer and supplier, Bharitya Cryogas has a team of experts to help customers to choose the right equipment. Through highly customized engineering solutions, the company optimizes performance and reduces operating expenses through a complete portfolio of advanced cryogenic process technologies: from vacuum insulated vessels (VIV) to integrated liquid oxygen (LOX) generators.


#BhartiyaCryogas allows you to have the best return on your investment while meeting all of your process needs. The stable operation and reliability of our units mean that once it is commissioned all you need to do is let it run at peak performance. This combined with our highly developed automated equipment means that your energy consumption and operational costs will be lower than conventional methods, with zero risk of interruption.


Much before the Corona’s outbreak, the company has been India’s leading commercial oxygen manufacturer, manufacturer of oxygen plants, acetylene plant and oxygen cylinder filling plants. During the pandemic, they used their vast experience and facilities to immediately produce and supply medical grade oxygen.


During the second wave, Bhartiya Cryogas, top manufacturer and supplier of customized Cryogenic and PSA (PRESSURE SWING ADSORPTION) Medical Oxygen Generation plants rose to meet national crisis by quickly turning its vast experience and facilities to produce and supply Medical PSA Oxygen Plant.


The company beefed up their facilities on a war footing to design, fabricate and deliver customized highest quality standard Medical PSA oxygen.


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