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Air separation plants (ASPs) Have Uses In Cryogenic Applications
Air separation plants (ASPs) Have Uses In Cryogenic Applications
  • Ramesh Nair

Air Separation Plants (ASPs) are gas separation facilities that use air, instead of liquid carbon dioxide, to separate the other gasses in natural gas streams. Air is used because it's much easier to store and handle than CO2. The ASPs will remove nitrogen, oxygen and commercially valuable trace gasses from the natural gas stream, relieving the refinery of the need to buy or produce this product.


The air separation plant is a natural gas-fired desiccant system that produces aviation-grade liquid oxygen (LOX) which is delivered to the customer through dedicated pipelines. The plant consists of five main components; namely, Air Compressor Plant (ACP), PLLS (Pre-treatment for Liquefaction & Separation), LOX Plant (LOP), ASP (Air separation system) and Transportation Infrastructure such as pipelines and various other utilities.


Air separation plants (ASPs) allow you to use air as the carrier gas in cryogenic applications, displace the burden of liquid oxygen imports and costly liquid nitrogen refueling, and process higher rates of flow than are possible with thermal vapor compression processes. Now you can meet your industrial process requirements without adding burden to your environmental footprint or sacrificing performance and efficiency.


ASPs offer a significant contribution to the airworthiness and operational efficiency of aircraft by allowing you to use air as the carrier gas in cryogenic applications, displacing the burden of liquid oxygen imports and costly liquid nitrogen refueling. An ASP plant can accommodate up to 6 aircraft per week for almost any domestic or global carrier.


As more and more chemicals, such as pharmaceuticals, metals, and advanced materials such as carbon fiber are produced through cryogenic processing (cryo processing), there is a need for low-pressure air separation plants. Air separation plants (ASPs) allow you to use air as the carrier gas in cryogenic applications.


The #BhartiyaCryogas Group's production sites can supply high purity oxygen and nitrogen by-products to be used in steelmaking, making certain materials and speciality gasses, high performance polymers, the perfumery and cosmetic industries, organic synthesis, cryogenics industry, semiconductor manufacturing, healthcare industry, hospitals and pharmaceuticals.


#BhartiyaCryogas allows you to have the best return on your investment while meeting all of your process needs. The stable operation and reliability of our units mean that once it is commissioned all you need to do is let it run at peak performance. This combined with our highly developed automated equipment means that your energy consumption and operational costs will be lower than conventional methods, with zero risk of interruption.


Much before the Corona’s outbreak, the company has been India’s leading commercial oxygen manufacturer, manufacturer of oxygen plants, acetylene plant and oxygen cylinder filling plants. During the pandemic, they used their vast experience and facilities to immediately produce and supply medical grade oxygen.


During the second wave, Bhartiya Cryogas, top manufacturer and supplier of customized Cryogenic and PSA (PRESSURE SWING ADSORPTION) Medical Oxygen Generation plants rose to meet national crisis by quickly turning its vast experience and facilities to produce and supply Medical PSA Oxygen Plant.


The company beefed up their facilities on a war footing to design, fabricate and deliver customized highest quality standard Medical PSA oxygen.


Air Separation Unit, ASU, Air Separation Plant, BhartiyaCryogas, HighPurityAir, Corona, Covid, DeltaVariant, Omicron Variant, Omicron , , oxygen production plant, manufacturer of oxygen plants, oxygen cylinder filling plants, oxygen production in plants, oxygen manufacturing plant in india, medical oxygen cylinder filling plant.



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