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Efforts to adapt nitrogen plants for medical oxygen production have begun
Efforts to adapt nitrogen plants for medical oxygen production have begun

The CPCB has chosen roughly 30 enterprises whose nitrogen plants will be altered to produce medicinal oxygen in order to fight the COVID-19 crisis in the country. The Environment Ministry said in a statement on Saturday that efforts were underway to increase the availability of oxygen for medical reasons, as the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has based analytical industries where existing nitrogen generation plants could be spared for oxygen production plants with the help of State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs). 

"Consultation with possible production plants and professionals has been placed," it stated.


The CPCB, which has a huge database of production plants, was instructed by the national government to identify firms with surplus nitrogen plants and study the viability of converting nitrogen plants to generate oxygen, according to the report.


"Around 30 industries have already been identified, and progress on modifying oxygen plants to make medicinal oxygen has begun. Most of these plants can be moved to neighboring hospitals to just provide oxygen, while others might manufacture oxygen on-site if that's not possible "It was stated.


It stated that oxygen liquid plant for medical use may be generated in existing nitrogen plants by exchanging Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS) with Zeolite Molecular Sieve (ZMS) and implementing a few other modifications such as inserting an oxygen analyzer, modifying the control panel system and flow controls and so on.


"With the availability of ZMS, such a modified plant can be set up in 4-5 days, whereas a complete oxygen plant installation could take 3-4 weeks," it stated.

For transfer to hospitals, oxygen created on-site must be compacted and filled in cylinders/special vessels using a high-pressure compressor.


According to the administration, these industries are indeed being helped to finish their assignments as rapidly as possible.


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