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Keeping faith and grasping new possibilities
Keeping faith and grasping new possibilities

Natural gas liquids (NGLs), but also natural gas and hydrogen, are usually the focus of Gas Innovations. However, the Houston-based producer, purifier, and compiler of high purity hydrocarbon specialized gases has already been busy with some other items all through the coronavirus (Covid-19) emergency.


Vice-President Ashley Madray of Gas Innovations has observed that the coronavirus pandemic has had a detrimental effect on some goods while increasing the manufacture of oxygen plants and related goods "Our regular product line has been affected, and some products have already been hit more severely than others,"Madray told gasworld.


"This influence is so much more tied to our client base or who have remained open but are being examined than it is to our goods." Some of our new products have been very well appreciated. Because of our package capabilities, we've been able to package alcohol for disinfectants and sanitizers, which now has created significant short-term possibilities

"It's been unique and exciting." Some of these prospective consumers have never done something like this before.


The disinfection and sanitizer shortages have created a tremendous domestic demand, but those who have been able to provide it are busy packaging these products.

We will continue to have been the wholesale supplier, with our clients finally completing packing for retail. "Gas Innovations delivers hydrocarbons in a variety of packaging products, including throwaway through rail and international delivery via ISO containers to the USA. And other countries.


"Covid has an impact on all areas of our company, and LNG is no different"

High purity refrigerant hydrocarbons for LNG liquefaction projects - both start-ups and ongoing demand of oxygen production plants, high purity hydrocarbons as diluents and co-monomers for polyethylene production, and high purity hydrocarbons to be used in electronics, specialty fine chemicals, and pharmaceuticals are some of the company's specialties.

Despite the current climate and the impact of the worldwide epidemic, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) distribution is a major part of Gas Innovations' business, and Madray remains optimistic about it's own future. "Covid has an effect on every aspect of our business, and LNG will be no exception. "This Covid has an impact on all aspects of the economy," Madray remarked.


"Various experts have alternative views on what is happening in LNG right now, or what will happen in the future. We're still moving forward and with our LNG distribution plans, but we're trying to have a level head regarding the larger picture. If you're comparing prices for routine analysis with diesel, that's not the time to transfer to [LNG].

On the other hand, we'll position Gas Innovations to reap the benefits of this development when the others may not." Everyone needs electricity, and we have a long road ahead to go to substitute hydrocarbons, despite the price.


"Our distributors have presented us to technologies which can use up to 36 LNG tanker loads per day." These and many other queries indicate the market's potential also for Air separation plants "We continue to talk with LNG suppliers regarding truck loading," I've said previously. This form of supply has typically been handled by peak shaving plants, which are significantly smaller than the big LNG sources along the US and worldwide coasts.”


What is Gas Innovations' position in the hydrogen economy, according to Madray, or what are the company's strengths in that area? "As the demand for hydrogen in the fuel cell industry grows, so would the demand for services," Madray added. "I saw that as a chance for channel partners," says the author. Many distributors buy their cylinder hydrogen from their oxygen plant suppliers but instead of filling their own tanks. Some who fill for themselves will also have a clear competitive advantage, and be in a better position to address the rising fuel cell market's demand.


Natural gas liquids, Hydrogen, Covid-19, Gasworld, LNG, Refrigerant, Economy



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