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Mock Drill of Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) plants for emergency preparation in Bihar
Mock Drill of Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) plants for emergency preparation in Bihar
  • Kunjan Sharma

Bihar Government will be holding a mock drill of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) -based oxygen generating plants in all the districts on Thursday to test the preparedness of these plants in the state, which was scheduled after an instruction by the Centre. The district magistrates are requested to instruct principal and superintendents of medical colleges and hospitals, civil surgeons and also nodal officers who have been appointed for the implementation of guidelines issued by Central government for management of medical emergencies in healthcare facilities to ensure maximum participation in this mock drill.


The State Health Society (SHS), Department of Health and Family Welfare, has written to all the medical colleges, district magistrates, principals of medical college and hospitals, civil surgeons in all districts. In view of the upcoming mock drill to check the performance of oxygen production plants installed at state-run medical institutions in Bihar, it directed that the staff and students be clad in full protective gear on Thursday.


Oxygen plants manufacturer is an essential part to help maintain the levels of oxygen in an environment by producing it from air. Oxygen plants work on the principle of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) in which carbon dioxide and other atmospheric gases are removed from the atmosphere during compression and oxygen is generated when the pressure of compressed air is decreased.


Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) is the generally used term for an oxygen-generating plant which is a mechanical device that helps maintain the levels of oxygen in an environment by producing it from air. Oxygen generators work on the principle of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) in which carbon dioxide and other atmospheric gases are removed from the atmosphere during compression and oxygen is generated when the pressure of compressed air is decreased.


The indoor PSA plant can be used to create an oxygen-rich atmosphere in rooms, hospitals, hotels, flats, VRPUs (vehicle pressure relief valves), aero plane cabins, gas chambers for killing vermin and water tanks without any emission of any pollutants (like mercury).


Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is a process in which the gas is first compressed and then cooled, thereby removing carbon dioxide from the air. Cooled compressed air is then passed into an adsorbent-filled pressure vessel, where oxygen is released from the sorbent on heating. When the pressure falls in the vessel, it draws in more air. This creates a continuous cycle of air compression/sorb/release. The principle of this process is applied to produce oxygen for hospital use.


Oxygen Generators utilize a mechanical process which utilizes high pressure and temperature to separate the oxygen from the air – a physical property called adsorption. The adsorption process takes place within the cartridge, a molecular sieve contained within the unit, at 220-250°F (104-121°C) and pressure of about 3,000 psi. Once the gas has been separated, it can be released into either an enclosed space or supplied directly to a particular application. Meanwhile the government across the world, including in India, continues to heavily invest in vaccination program to build immunity against coronavirus and strengthen health care facilities to deal with any health emergencies.


One of the key components of health infrastructure is affordable and constant supply of medical oxygen which is a life safer for those badly infected by corona virus requiring hospitalization. In India, Bhartiya Cryogas is one of the top oxygen manufacturers and suppliers to meet the requirements of government as well as private hospitals and healthcare facilities. Much before the Corona’s outbreak, the company has been India’s leading commercial oxygen manufacturer, manufacturer of oxygen plants, acetylene plant and oxygen cylinder filling plants. During the pandemic, they used their vast experience and facilities to immediately produce and supply medical grade oxygen.


During the second wave, Bhartiya Cryogas, top manufacturer and supplier of customised Cryogenic and PSA (PRESSURE SWING ADSORPTION) Medical Oxygen Generation plants rose to meet national crisis by quickly turning its vast experience and facilities to produce and supply Medical PSA Oxygen Plant.


P K Dutt, the Founder CEO of Bhartiya Cryogas claimed that within a record period of three months, his company beefed up their facilities on a war footing to design, fabricate and deliver customized highest quality standard Medical PSA oxygen.


There are several types of plants fabricated and supplied by Bhartiya Cryogas. They are:


1) Medium Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants

2) Low Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants



1) PSA/VPSA Oxygen/Nitrogen Generators



1) Hi-tech Acetylene plants

2) Nitrous Oxide plants

3) CO2 plants

4) Cylinder Filling Station


Omicron, Corona Variant Omicron, Covid 19 variant Omicron, oxygen plant manufacturer, oxygen supplier, oxygen supplier in India, oxygen production plant, PRESSURE SWING ADSORPTION, PSA, WHO



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Medium Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants
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Low Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants
Low Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants
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Medical PSA Oxygen Plants
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VPSA Oxygen/Nitrogen Generators
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