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New Corona Variant Omicron can cause re-infection
New Corona Variant Omicron can cause re-infection
  • Ashok Pandit

All the nine patients who were infected with Omicron variant of corona virus and were admitted to a hospital in Jaipur, tested negative for the CoVID-19 on Thursday. The nine patients were discharged from the Rajasthan University Hospital (RUHS) after their test results came negative.


Nine patients who were infected with Omicron variant of corona virus and were admitted to the Jaipur hospital tested negative for the COVID on Thursday, after which they were discharged.


Dr RP Singh, state epidemiologist, said the foreign virus spreads through interaction with an infected person or consuming food and water contaminated by infected persons. The hospitals have installed hand wash stations at every entrance of its ICU and major OPD.


According to the department, the infection is believed to spread through contact with camels and birds. The virus is not genetically very different from the original virus that originated in bats. However, it is more aggressive than that. The patients admitted themselves to the hospital after they complained of symptoms such as fever, diarrhea and vomiting. They had no history of travelling outside in the recent past.


Omicron is one of the ten known viral species that causes acute respiratory infections, including pneumonia. These viruses can cause mild to life-threatening disease. They are spread from person to person mainly when an infected person coughs or sneezes but can also be spread indirectly through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects.



Omicron variant covid 19 is a virus that infects people with the common cold. Early evidence suggests, according to WHO, that people who have previously had COVID-19, could be reinfected more easily with Omicron, in comparison to other variants of concern. Information is still limited though and we will share updates as it becomes available.



Omicron variant covid 19 is a pathogen that affects humans, initially spreading through coughing and sneezing. It is not yet known how this variant of the common flu differs from other strains, but some common symptoms include weakness, tiredness, headache, low grade fever and pain in the throat. It enters the body through the mouth or nasal passages, infecting tissues of the throat, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. Infection may result in pneumonia, inflammation of the throat or tonsils (pharyngitis), and/or inflammation of the intestinal lining (enteritis). Vomiting and diarrhea do not usually occur with this virus.



The Omicron variant (OmicCOV) of Covid-19 has been called a "variant of concern" by the World Health Organization because it contains several mutations that may affect the way it acts in the body. It is important to note that it is not possible at this time to determine whether these changes will result in differences in how OmicCOV behaves compared to Covid-19.



The variant, which was named Omicron after the first letter of the Greek alphabet, possesses properties almost identical to other strains discovered in the last ten years, but has shown increased resilience and escaped sterilization techniques when used on other variants in tests.


Meanwhile the government across the world, including in India, continues to heavily invest in vaccination programme to build immunity against corona virus and strengthen health care facilities to deal with any health emergencies. One of the key components of health infrastructure is affordable and constant supply of medical oxygen which is a life safer for those badly infected by corona virus requiring hospitalization. In India, Bhartiya Cryogas is one of the top oxygen manufacturer and suppliers to meet the requirements of government as well as private hospitals and healthcare facilities. Much before the Corona’s outbreak, the company has been India’s leading commercial oxygen manufacturer, manufacturer of oxygen plants, acetylene plant and oxygen cylinder filling plants. During the pandemic, they used their vast experience and facilities to immediately produce and supply medical grade oxygen.


During the second wave, Bhartiya Cryogas, top manufacturer and supplier of customized Cryogenic and PSA (PRESSURE SWING ADSORPTION) Medical Oxygen Generation plants rose to meet national crisis by quickly turning its vast experience and facilities to produce and supply Medical PSA Oxygen Plant.


There are several types of plants fabricated and supplied by Bhartiya Cryogas. They are:


1) Medium Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants

2) Low Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants



1) PSA/VPSA Oxygen/Nitrogen Generators



1) Hi-tech Acetylene plants

2) Nitrous Oxide plants

3) CO2 plants

4) Cylinder Filling Station


Omicron, Corona Variant Omicron, Covid 19 variant Omicron, oxygen plant manufacturer, oxygen supplier, oxygen supplier in India, oxygen production plant, CO2 Plants, PRESSURE SWING ADSORPTION, PSA, Pressure Swing Absorption, PSA, Air Seperation



Medium Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants
Medium Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants
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Low Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants
Low Pressure Oxygen/Nitrogen Gas/Liquid Plants
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Medical PSA Oxygen Plants
Medical PSA Oxygen Plants
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VPSA Oxygen/Nitrogen Generators
VPSA Oxygen/Nitrogen Generators
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Hi-tech Acetylene plants
Hi-tech Acetylene plants
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Nitrous Oxide plants
Nitrous Oxide plants
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CO2 plants
CO2 plants
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Cylinder Filling Station
Cylinder Filling Station
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