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Using Air, Air Separation Plants (ASPs) Separate Natural Gas Liquids Into Marketable Products
Using Air, Air Separation Plants (ASPs) Separate Natural Gas Liquids Into Marketable Products
  • Sameul Johonson

Air Separation Plants (ASPs) use air to separate natural gas liquids into marketable products, including ethane, propane, butanes, and natural gasoline. ASPs are called "air separation plants" because they use only air – not liquid CO2 – to achieve this separation.


Air is used because it's much easier to store and handle than CO2. Gas streams are conveyed into chambers where the pressure is reduced and cooled until the components separate by density. Depending on the contents of the gas stream and desired separation and purity, various amounts of air can be added to the stream. The amount of air added controls how much the lighter components will condense on the surface of the air at low temperatures.


Air Separation Plants (ASPs) have a higher performance than conventional natural gas plants, and are typically more compact. These plants are ideal for processing lower-pressure gas streams. Air Separation Plants can process the entire range of natural gas applications, including subcritical extraction and dew pointing.


There are basically two types of ASPs: "air conditioner" type that uses heat to separate off various components of natural gas and "vacuum swing" separators (VSGs) that use pressure differences to accomplish the same thing. Because ASPs do not require expensive compressors or pumps, they are much more economical than traditional liquid CO2.


Bhartiya Cryogas Limited (BCL) is one of the leading companies in Air Separation Plants (ASP) in India. ASP is a technology used to separate gases like oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide out of air and make it available for various industrial sectors.


At Bhartiya Cryogas, we've been Air Separation Plant builders and operators since 1990. The company was founded with the goal to build plants that would attain the highest levels of plant efficiency and reliability in the market. Its new vertical system, or air separation tower, saves customers 2-4% in costs annually by achieving greater operating efficiencies.


The company offers Air Separation Plants having capacity ranging from 0.0015 m3/hr to 1480 m3/hr in normal temperature and pressure conditions at cost effective rates.


The #BhartiyaCryogas Group's production sites can supply high purity oxygen and nitrogen by-products to be used in steelmaking, making certain materials and speciality gases, high performance polymers, the perfumery and cosmetic industries, organic synthesis, cryogenics industry, semiconductor manufacturing, healthcare industry, hospitals and pharmaceuticals.


BhartiyaCryogas allows you to have the best return on your investment while meeting all of your process needs. The stable operation and reliability of our units mean that once it is commissioned all you need to do is let it run at peak performance. This combined with our highly developed automated equipment means that your energy consumption and operational costs will be lower than conventional methods, with zero risk of interruption.


Much before the Corona’s outbreak, the company has been India’s leading commercial oxygen manufacturer, manufacturer of oxygen plants, acetylene plant and oxygen cylinder filling plants. During the pandemic, they used their vast experience and facilities to immediately produce and supply medical grade oxygen.


During the second wave, Bhartiya Cryogas, top manufacturer and supplier of customised Cryogenic and PSA (PRESSURE SWING ADSORPTION) Medical Oxygen Generation plants rose to meet national crisis by quickly turning its vast experience and facilities to produce and supply Medical PSA Oxygen Plant.


P K Dutt, the Founder CEO of Bhartiya Cryogas claimed that within a record period of three months, his company beefed up their facilities on a war footing to design, fabricate and deliver customised highest quality standard Medical PSA oxygen.


Air Separation Unit, ASU, Air Separation Plant, Air Separation Plants, BhartiyaCryogas, HighPurityAir, Corona, Covid, PSA, Medical PSA Oxygen, oxygen production, Pressure Swing Adsorption



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